
There is a great difference in excellency, usefulness, and comfort between people of clear, digested knowledge, and confused, undigested apprehensions. -Richard Baxter

Archive for come together

a clean, well-lighted, coffee house

may we make a recommendation on a brand-spanking new independent coffee house in the Uptown area? It’s owned by two ladies, Sara and Kristin (sp?), and it’s called The Crooked Tree.  It’s a warm, inviting, and relaxed area with coffee (of course), pastries, and sandwiches, too, if you’re hungry for a little more than caffeine.

There’s live music on most weekends.

So when a few extra moments avail themselves, stop in and have a cup.  The place says “welcome, sit a spell.”

retreat essentials



weather forecast


one last thing before we transition

For the next two Sundays we’ll set up the retreat by dwelling on the notion of Calling. Before we do, there’s at least onesiimage002.jpg loose end from our series on Tripp’s book I have to tie up here in these pages.

We’ve discussed for a couple months now about what’s within our realm of responsibility for pursuing change and for involving ourselves in one another’s pursuit of change. One thing I’ve intended to include each week but didn’t leave myself time for is how one moves into a community in such a way that 1) you come to benefit from the kind of loving involvement that leads to change and 2) that you come to contribute to that pursuit of change in others thusly involved. In other words, if we were to write a story of how someone came to benefit from (1) and contribute to (2) this community of change and maturity, the basic plot line, roughly outlined, might go something like this: Read the rest of this entry »

Come together

Hey, three things, all mentioned last Sunday in class, but which might’ve eluded your memory due to the high volume of announcements:

why retreat later this month?

104.jpgThomas Merton, when asked what the greatest spiritual disease we face today was, replied,

“Efficiency: From the monastery to the Pentagon the plant has to run…and there’s little time or energy left over after that to do anything else.”

Would you be so bold as to enter into a weekend, not without purpose, but one that entirely disregards efficiency? Be with us and Him. We’ll linger in the Psalter.

Rest isn’t merely the absence of activity; it’s the engagement with what’s most needed. Hope you’ll come for a little time to give to the one thing needed (Lk 10:42).

Joy in the Dance

Thanks to all who helped us host the Inaugural PCPC Ceili Saturday evening.  Here’s a few shots from our lively time together.  Even those with two left feet (myself included in that choreographically-challenged demographic) found their footing with a little help from the Band and the Ceili Caller.

img_0176.jpgimg_0181.jpgimg_0252.jpg img_0159.jpgimg_0192.jpg

The really interested may click here for even more photos.

a little help?

05_ceili.jpgas we mentioned yesterday, we could stand to have several more helpers with the ceili this Saturday (5-8pm) in the way of 30 minute shifts in any one of the following:

  • supervising the food line,
  • running the kids’ table (face-painting, coloring), h
  • ospitality for the band,
  • and maybe helping direct traffic to the back of Oak Lawn West (to conserve parking-space for the people attending the wedding in the sanctuary parking-lot).

Stephen Kilbourn has graciously agreed to coordinate all “the help.”  Please email him if you’d be willing and able to help for even a short time this weekend.  Go raibh maith agaibh! (a gaelic thanks)

He is worthy of it and we are needful of it

Hope you’ll join us tonight for prayer and praise.  It always feels awkward at first; that changes.  We’ll use Nehemiah’s prayer in Chapter 1–from which Mark Davis preached last Sunday–as our “food for thought, prayer, and praise.”  We will sing.  We will hear the Word. We will sit quietly, considering what we’ve heard. And we will give voice to what we know of Him, what we’re sad to have done (or not done) before Him, what promises of His we hope in, and what things broken down by sin we need His mercy for the rebuilding of.  Here’s where we’ll meet.  See you at 7.  Eat dinner beforehand.  Or fast, if you like, before you come to pray.  Such is not without precedent–See Nehemiah 1: 4.

regarding your profession and your profession of faith:

work_excellence.jpgif you’re on the list below, then I know you to be interested in spending some time with an elder brother or sister in your, either present or future, occupation, and receiving some insight into how to live faithfully in whatever your occupation might be. If you’re not on this list and want to be, be sure to sign up on the clipboard this Sunday. Also this Sunday I’ll have the books that will serve to usher you and your respective mentors into a dialogue. Read the rest of this entry »

Ceili exposed

we’re a bit closer to St. Patrick’s Day and our first annual ceili. Perhaps you saw our previous mention of it and remain…unimpressed. Perhaps your lack of enthusiasm stems from your confusion as to what a ceili looks like–and whether you’d feel dorky participating in one.

BE confused no longer. Here’s a couple samples of ceili, with a variety of skill-levels represented. Fear not. Instruction will be given beforehand.

We’ll need your help to host our church and anyone else that shows. Pass the word!

Here’s a shot from one in Dublin:

Read the rest of this entry »