
There is a great difference in excellency, usefulness, and comfort between people of clear, digested knowledge, and confused, undigested apprehensions. -Richard Baxter

Archive for January, 2007

why ‘hooking up’ needs to have its original meaning restored…

or if evolutionary biology doesn’t float your boat, perhaps a little ditty about casual sex might pique your interest–this from one who bought into one of the themes of the early feminist movement, and is now feeling as if she’d been sold a bill of goods.

And if you’re interested in more of Dawn Eden’s adventures, have a look here.

ad hoc sine ad hominem

dawkins.jpga couple weeks ago, we referred to one Richard Dawkins, an evolutionary biologist and outspoken critic of all things religious. No one faults him for his intellect, only his logic. Here’s one analysis of that logic from a fellow secularist. Read the rest of this entry »

if you’ll forgive the self-indulgent inside (but transparent) joke

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Getting Ready for WinterGrace

Take a minute to become acquianted with this year’s WinterGrace speaker, Dr Ajith Fernando. A masterful storyteller and a man passionate about his faith in Christ, Dr. Fernando is the National Director for Youth for Christ in Sri Lanka. Read his address from the Urbana conference in 1997, and it doesn’t take long for his passion to invade our hearts as well. Check out the schedule for WinterGrace, and don’t miss the special 20+ time on Monday night where we can learn, in a small group discussion format, from the knowledge and experience that God has given this uniquely gifted man.

the mathematics of faithfulness

one of you asked a very important question after Sunday’s lesson, and after you’d listened to Keller’s comments on how the Gospel has to be handled in present circumstances: does this mean I have to wait to get all that under my belt before I can share my faith at all?

I certainly understand the frustration hearing all that might elicit. It may feel like we’re saying you need to be able to compete at the Olympic level before you can swim with anybody in the pool. Or, more to the point, it might seem as if you need to be degreed in theology, sociology, social work, and interpersonal communication before you can be faithful to be “salt and light.” Read the rest of this entry »

20+ Film Review: Apocalypto

Proud to inaugurate our 20+ Film reviews with one from our own Matthew Anderson on Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto. Feel free to share your own observations. And if you’d like to offer a film review of your own, just email us with your submission. If you need help in formatting your thoughts, have a look at a film review site we often visit for recommendations, lookingcloser.org.

r161541429.jpg   [aside: looks like Mel may have been right–>

Anyhow, here’s Matthew:


Mel Gibson’s action-drama, Apocalypto is set in Mexico at the height of the Mayan civilization and follows a young, rural villager’s capture and escape from a Mayan raiding party, intent on obtaining victims for ritualistic sacrifice. What ensues is a game of meso-american cat and mouse, full of close calls, boobie traps, and unpleasant deaths. Think Die Hard set in the Yucatan Peninsula and you’ve got the gist of this film. Simple… yes. Bloody… oh, yea. Thoroughly entertaining… absolutely.
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isn’t that the Joe Boxer guy?


some of you may remember Lever (“Levar”) Ferguson from a few years ago. He spearheaded much of what we did in mercy ministry within 20+. Well, Lever now lives in England working in the medical field, and, it appears, moonlighting as a model. Truth be told, this pose was for a Christmas card produced as a fund-raiser for children with cancer.

I still think he’s the Joe Boxer guy…

taste and see that the Gospel is . . .

As promised, we’ll be looking into John’s Gospel from now until Resurrection Day, but not simply for the purpose of (re-)discovering what John has to teach us about Jesus and His Gospel. While the Gospel does not change, it is not inert. It goes somewhere, “where it wishes” (Jn 3:8). How we must handle it as Christians in contemporary culture is yet another purpose for our study. To get at that question, have a listen to this lecture by Tim Keller for some background on that additional purpose for studying John’s Gospel. It has fallen to our generation to find another metaphor for the Gospel that encompasses both the dimension of forgiveness and the dimension of world-renewal.

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