
There is a great difference in excellency, usefulness, and comfort between people of clear, digested knowledge, and confused, undigested apprehensions. -Richard Baxter

Archive for December, 2006

make holy merry…

I pray you a measure of silence and solitude in these few days of celebration, that you might reflect on the fact that He really came here, cold and vulnerable, destined for difficulty.  I pray you muse on what His coming means about Him and you, about what He thinks of sin, and what He believes about sinners.  I pray you find something forming inside you–a subtle emergence of delight–as you consider how very known you are, and how very cherished you are to have been rescued through the giving over of One so precious to the Father.

He is born, friends of mine.  He lives now.  He prays for you.  For such things, whatever your circumstances, there is still room for merriment this Christmas.

peace be with you, and where there is need for repentance, may He beckon you to the peace that comes from the other side of repentance

you should be ashamed

for those of you who saw fit to “forget” your unwanted White elephant gifts at our home, you should be ashamed. For the rest of you, if you’d like to relive the moments last night, have a look at our flickr site for a few festive photos.328225591_ee7be14f6b.jpg

Dreaming of a Mild Christmas

merrychristmas06.jpgBronson’s are looking awfully balmy there in Thailand; I suppose it’s not too different from Christmas in Florida, so I’m told (nod to P-Diddy). Their goings-on are detailed here at their site. Send ’em a line.

how that strength is found

Sunday we discussed what must be the motivation for all our loving and living for His glory. Obviously, we can’t always sit in a dark room and wait for that strength before we actually attempt to obey according to His Word. Here’s a little excerpt from a sermon on the same text we considered Sunday. It involves how strength is found sometimes after the obedience. The full text of the sermon can be found here.

I’m speaking very personally here now. On July 14 of this year I was alone at a cabin. I sent the family home so that I could pray and seek the Lord concerning this fall’s messages. I stayed up late one night pleading with God for power in the ministry, and struggling with why it is that we see so few people converted in our ministry at Bethlehem. Why do I not have more power in soul-winning witnessing? Here is what came to me, and I read from my journal written the next day.

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